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12th English Assignment Answer - unit 1 - POEM 2021

12th English Assignment Answer - unit 1 - POEM 2021

12th ENGLISH - UNIT 1 - POEM TN SCERT Unit 1 Answers


  • Class:12 Subject: English
  • Unit 1 – Poem 
  • The Castle  

Part - A

I. Choose the correct answer for the following sentences.

1. How did the soldiers spend the summer days?

(a) relaxing

(b) full of worries

c) with fear

2. What was challenging?

a) the enemy

b) height of the castle

c) the captain

3. What happened to the castle?

a) captured

b) destroyed in fire

c) locked

4. What does „friendly allies‟ mean?

a) friends who help 

b) supporting nations 

c) friends who advice

5. What could the soldiers watch from the turret wall?

a) mountains

b) rivers

c) mowers

Part - B

II. Answer the following questions in one or two lines.

1.Who is the narrator in the poem? How long had the soldiers been in the castle?

  •  A soldier is a narrator in the poem.
  • All through the summer, the soldiers had been in The Castle.

2.Why were the secret galleries bare?

  • The secret galleries were looted by the cunning enemies. So, they were bare.

3.Explain the phrase „load on load‟ in the line “with our arms and provender load on load”

Part - C

III. Answer the following questions in three or four lines.

1. How the soldiers and what were was their firm belief?

2. What is a wicket gate and why was the gate wicked?

3. How did the enemies enter the castle? Who did the wicked thing?

  • The disloyal warder, who guards the wicket gate, let the enemies inside the famous citadel for gold.
  • Thus the enemies entered The Castle.

Part - D
IV. Write in detail

1. How safe was the castle? How was it conquered?

  • Introduction:
The poet Edwin Muir beautifully brings out the strength of The Castle.

Safety of The Castle:

  • The soldiers did not worry about threats around them because The Castle gates were strong and walls were high, thick, and smooth. They felt very safe because they had more confidence towards The Castle. They trusted a lot that even by a trick no one could enter The Castle. The human beings did not have the courage to enter The Castle but birds could enter. So the soldiers were in a relaxed manner and stress-free about everything around them.

The belief of the soldiers:

  • They believed that The Castle was absolutely safe and because of its physical strength and their captain was brave and the soldiers were loyal.

Disloyal warder:

  • The strong castle became helpless and thin. The soldiers unexpectedly faced failure because of the greedy disloyal warder. The famous citadel was captured by the enemies for disloyalty (gold). The black sheep was one of their own men (warder) who let the enemies inside the citadel that had been known for its secret gallery and intricate path.


  • Once, The Castle was safe because soldiers were united and loyal and their captain was brave. But later disloyalty arose from their own men warder, The Castle was conquered by the enemies.
  • Greedy kills humanity.

2.Human greed led to the mighty fall of the citadel. Explain.

  • Greed means a selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possession. One who is greedy follows the path of unfair means, betrayal, and crime. This makes other’s life miserable. “Greed’ can also mean helping an enemy, such a person who gives secret information to an enemy country. That brings the mighty fall of the kingdom.
  • Here, In the poem ‘The Castle’, a greedy warder was the main cause and culprit who brought failure to his own men. Before that, the soldiers were stress-free and relaxed. They have plenty of arms and food. The Castle gates were strong and walls were high, thick, and smooth. They believed that The Castle was absolutely safe because their captain was brave and the soldiers were loyal.
  • Yet these men were defeated when the enemy entered to their own man (warder) who let the enemy soldiers through a little gate. At first, The Castle was safe because soldiers were the united castle and loyal and their captain was brave. But later, The Castle became weak and thin. As disloyalty arose from their own men, warder, The Castle was conquered by the enemies.

‘Greed kills humanity’. Thus human greed led to the mighty fall of the citadel.



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