12th History Public exam original Question Paper 2020,Answer key 2020

12th History Public exam original Question Paper 2020,Answer key 2020

History Original Question Paper
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To acquaint ourselves with

  1. Changes in agrarian conditions and import of British manufactures ruin Indian handicrafts and the artisanal class .
  2. Periodical outbreak of famines force landless labourers and jobless artisans to emigrate 
  3. Introduction of Western education and birth of national awakening.
  4. Other contributory factors for the rise of Nationalism in I
  5. ndia Modern Indian intelligentsia lays the foundation of Indian 
  6. National Congress Early Nationalists and their contribution, 
  7. especially of Naoroji and his Drain Theory
  8. Introduction
  9. The political and economic centralisation of India achieved by the British for the better exploitation and control of India
  10.  inevitably led to the growth of national consciousness and the birth of the national movement. The history of nationalism in India begins with the campaigns and struggles for social reforms in the nineteenth century followed by the Western educated 
  11. Indians' prayers and petitions for political liberties. 
  12. With the return of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi from South Africa in 1915, and his leadership of the Indian nationalist

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